About Me

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Dover Plains, New York
I'm a Baby Boomer. I was introduced to the Internet 12 years ago, and I don't mind telling you I went kicking and screaming. I thought I'd never get this "Internet Thing". Fast forward to the present and now I can't live without it. I've gotten a new education and have become "The Webucator". Now I want to share this knowledge with anyone and everyone who would like to have it! If you want to discover how the Internet can enhance just about anything you do you've come to the right place. Many people are struggling in this current economy, and all I can say is the Internet is not experiencing a recession. Everyone can boost their financial future and/or security by what you can find on the Internet. Do you have to be careful? Absolutely you do, as there are tons of scams out there, but there also lots of people like myself that want to be of service. We don't want anyone to go through what so many of us did when we first began to navigate through all the scams, spend all the money on useless trainings,products and get rich quick schemes. Let me know how I can serve you.

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